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Travel itineraries for the Canyons

Special programs to discover the canyons with all the structure, quality and safety you deserve.


3 day itinerary

03 days and 02 nights

Includes accommodation, food during the day, and visit to the Itaimbezinho and Malacara Canyons.

Values from R$750,00


4 day itinerary

04 days and 03 nights

Including accommodation, food during the day, visit to the Itaimbezinho Canyons, Fortaleza, and Trilha do Rio do Boi.

Values from R$2.090,00

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6 day itinerary

06 days and 05 nights

Includes accommodation, food during the day, visit to Fortaleza Canyon, Rio do Boi Trail, Itaimbezinho Canyon, Malacara and balloon flight.

Values from R$3.443,00



03 days and 02 night

Special package with romantic basket with chocolates, sparkling wine, and photos of the couple. Activities included: Balloon flight and picnic in the upper part of the canyons.

Values from R$2,790.00


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Trimmed Family

04 days and 03 night

Program for families with young children to enjoy the region with light activities, recommended for the whole family.

Values from R$1,250.00

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Single Trip

05 days and 04 night

Package to explore the region with all activities within the National Parks with special prices for those traveling on land.

Values from R$2,290.00


Discover the Geopark

09 days and 08 nights

Includes accommodation, food during the day, and visit to the main geosites of the Caminho dos Cânions do Sul UNESCO World Geopark in Santa Catarine and Rio Grande do Sul.

Values from R$4,265.00

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Explore Aparados

03 days and 02 nights

Including accommodation, food during the day, visit to the Aparados da Serra National Park on the Trilha do Rio do Boi and Itaimbezinho.

Prices from R$955.00

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Canyons do Sul

04 days and 03 nights

Including accommodation, food during the day, visit to Canyon Fortaleza and Itaimbezinho, Malacara and off road to the tree of life.

Values from R$1,430.00

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Cores & Emoções

Saída promocional de 11 a 15 de outubro de 2024. 

Descubra um roteiro de cores vibrantes e emoções autênticas, feito sob medida para celebrar a diversidade e a natureza.



Saída promocional de 13 a 21 de agosto de 2024. 

Visita aos principais geosítios do Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO Caminho dos Cânions do Sul.

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